The Magic City Democrats will be holding their Annual fundraising Banquet on
Thursday, September 22, 2016 at the Slovene Center in Barberton, Ohio. The
Evening will begin with a cocktail hour from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Cash Bar). The
Dinner will be served at 7:00 pm.
Tickets are $35.00 for individuals and a table can be reserved or sponsored for
$275.00. The tables seat 8. We will be having a 50/50 drawing and the door prizes
will be the Mums we will be using as our centerpieces. The Banquet will precede the
Barberton Mum Festival weekend.
Our labor speaker for the evening will be Mr. David Prentice, Secretary/Treasurer
of the Tri-County Regional Labor Council. We will also be hearing from our four
democratic Judge candidates. Judge Tom Teodosio, Summit Count Common Pleas
Court; Judge Joy Oldfield, Akron Municipal Court; Magistrate Ron Cable, Summit
County Domestic Relations Court; and Magistrate Alison Breux, Akron Municipal
The club will not be mailing tickets. Someone will be at the door to confirm your
prepaid registration. Please mail a check for your reservation to: Magic City
Democratic Club, PO Box 334, Barberton, Ohio 44203.
Please consider advertising in our program
Business Card Ads - $25.00
¼ page ads - $45.00
½ page ads - $75.00
Whole page ads - $100.00
If you are interested in placing an ad in our program, please send a print ready ad
indicating the size of the ad you want to have featured along with you check made
payable to: Magic City Democratic Club
Mail checks to: Magic City Democratic Club
PO Box 334
Barbertron, Ohio 44203
Deadline for submission of Ads will be Friday, September 9, 2016. Due to printing
deadlines, there will be no exceptions.
Featured speakers --
Democratic judge candidates:
* Tom Teodosio
* Joy Oldfield
* Ron Cable
* Allison Breaux
Labor speaker: David Prentice
Tri-County Regional Labor Council
Note: Dinner program ads
accepted till Monday,
September 12:
Business card: $25
1/4 page: $45
1/2 page: $75
Full page: $100
Please email print-ready ad to:
[email protected]
Mail ad payment check to:
Magic City Democratic Club
Box 334
Barberton, OH 44203