Ingrid & Frank Kunstel, Alexandra Hull, Susan & Arthur Baranoff, Sean D'Arcy,
Matthew Fortado, Bob Gippin, Barb & Mike Kaplan
Thomas Slocum, Eddie Smith, and Marian Steinert
Invite you to Join U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown For an Evening Reception.
Join Us, live music by Half Cleveland
Contribution Levels:
I'm a Believer ~ $1,500, Ain't No Stopping Us Now ~ $1,000,
Don't Stop Believing ~ $500, I Won't Back Down ~ $250
Contributions should be made payable to Friends of Sherrod Brown.
Please RSVP to Troy Gawlak at (330) 806-0449
or [email protected] no later than Wednesday, August 23rd.
August 28, 2017 at 5:00pm - 7pm