Candidate Resources

2024 Election Calendar

Ohio Candidate Requirement Guide

Whether you're a first-time candidate, an elected considering higher office, a campaign operative, or a candidate simply wanting to brush up - there are many resources available! 


LEAD Ohio fills a unique gap in Ohio’s progressive infrastructure. They recruit, train and support potential candidates for races at all levels of government in Ohio, with a focus on activating true progressive leaders. They have trained over 250 candidates and operatives, and more than half of their candidates have been elected!

Summit County Progressive Democrats

Our own locally-based Summit County Progressive Democrats have an outstanding record of candidate training. In addition to frequent one-day events throughout the year, they hold large full-day training sessions for candidates annually, featuring activists, officeholders, operatives, and other guest speakers. 


Formerly known as Wellstone Action, re:power is a national organization that provides candidate training, management, and other forms of support.

National Democratic Training Committee

A national candidate training program that offers unique online interactive training courses available 24/7. Topics include Field, Fundraising, Messaging, Management, Campaign Plans, and much more. 


Ohio Democratic County Chairs Association

The ODCCA provides this great online resource for would-be candidates that includes important information like candidate requirements, elections calendars, campaign finance reporting calendars, blank forms, fundraising limits, and so much more. 


Ohio Board of Professional Conduct

A very important online resource containing information and resources for judicial candidates, members of judicial campaign committees, and other individuals involved in judicial campaigns or interested in rules applicable to judicial campaign conduct.